Videos – Titanification

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17 responses to “Videos – Titanification”

  1. I want to preface my comment with an observation. I couldn’t even attempt to do an animation like that. Plus

    I don’t remember how I found your site but I love your work. It wasn’t until the last two installments of this series that I noticed something was off.

    I don’t like to criticize other people’s jobs, or projects, so I would start off by saying to the person, “What if you were to . . . ” Most of the time they would say “Go away and leave me alone. I know what I’m doing.” So I just go off and leave them alone.

    Also since I don’t have the program you are using all I can do is make observations and be an armchair quarterback.

    Seeing the Titans from an Observer at ground level when it finally “clicked” for me. All your characters seem to be “top heavy”? Their body composition lacks development of the legs to support their upper body mass.

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